Qradar (IBM SIEM Components)
Qradar Components: IBM QRadar collects, processes, aggregates, and stores network data in real time. QRadar uses that data to manage network security by providing real-time information and monitoring, alerts and offenses, and responses to network threats. Event collector: The event collector collects events from local and remote log sources, Normalizes raw log source events to format them for use by qradar. Protocol: receives data off of the wire from log source protocols (syslog, JDBC, OPSEC, Log File, SNMP) Throttle: monitors the number of incoming events to the system to manage input queues and licensing. Parsing: takes the raw events from the source device and parse the fields as qradar friendly events. Log Source traffic analysis & auto Discovery: Applies the parsed events data (Normalize) to the possible DSMs that support automatic discovery. Coalescing: events are parsed and then Coalesced base...